Hei alle,
Lørdag 8.mars er det vinterens siste spinning økt på 3 timer. Det er egen påmelding for denne økta. https://app.rubic.no/Public/Events/26330
Senteret åpner kl.09.00, og vi starter kl.09.30.
Du er her
Av admin, 6. mai 2019 - 8:06

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søndag, 5. mai 2019 - 21:43
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Well done♂️and good luck with the upcoming races @torjushans1
#repost @torjushans1
@ryebikefestival done and dusted! I had a really good legs today and was in the fight for 10th place at todays XCO race, but the tank was empty with 1 lap to go and I ended up with 14th place. I really suprised myself today, especially in the first four laps Things are definitely going in the right direction! : @linemfoto
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